How Much to Rent a Car for a Month?
How Much To Rent a Car for a Month? Renting a car is almost never cheap, but everyone knows that a long-term car rental is significantly more expensive than renting a car for a day or two. If you need to rent a car for more than a few weeks, you’ll need to know what...

How Much Does it Cost to Rent a Minivan?
How Much Does It Cost To Rent a Minivan? Sometimes, renting a basic sedan just won’t cut it. When you need to take several people with you on a camping trip, moving adventure, or a long road trip across the country, odds are you’ll need plenty of legroom and lots of...

How Old Do You Have to Be to Rent a Car in California?
How Old Do You Have To Be To Rent a Car in California? Young drivers don’t always have their own sets of wheels. In fact, they may have to get around using driving services like Uber, or they may instead decide to rent a vehicle when they need to drive a significant...

How Much To Rent an SUV
How Much To Rent an SUV Renting a car is crucial for many Americans, especially as the holiday season approaches. When renting a car, one of the most important things to consider is price. After all, the price per day for a rental vehicle—especially a popular vehicle...

Can I Sell My Car Without a Title?
Can I Sell My Car Without a Title? Selling a car is almost always a straightforward process… at least if you have the title and proper documentation on hand. But what if you don’t have the title that clearly proves you are the owner and have the legal right to...

How Old Do You Have To Be To Rent a Car?
How Old Do You Have To Be To Rent a Car? We all need to rent a car sooner or later, whether it’s because our primary vehicles are being repaired or because we’ve taken a long flight and don’t want to rely on Uber or taxis to get around. But while most adults can...

How Much Is It To Rent a Car?
How Much Is It To Rent a Car? When you decide to rent a vehicle, odds are you have one big question at the forefront of your concerns: how much would it be to rent a car? The answer, unfortunately, is quite variable. Renting a car can be very cheap, sometimes as...

Cheapest Way To Rent a Car
Cheapest Way To Rent a Car You need to rent a car but don’t want to spend so much cash that you end up not being able to enjoy your vacation or feel like you were gouged at the rental desk. Good news: there are some cheap ways to rent a car, although it usually...

Can You Rent a Car Under 25?
Can You Rent a Car Under 25? When you’re under the age of 25, your mobility is often limited even if you have a valid driver’s license and a credit card. Many young renters in their early 20s spend their time at work or in school in major metropolitan areas or big...

Can I Rent a Car Without Insurance?
Can I Rent a Car Without Insurance? Renting a car can be a little pricey depending on what type of vehicle you rent and how long you need the car. This is doubly true if you are under the age of 25, in which case you might have extra fees to pay. Adding insurance on...